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Discover USC is our largest on-campus event for prospective students on Saturday, November 16, and you’re invited!

This day is full of ways to get to know USC, including campus tours, presentations by admission and financial aid, and more.

As a part of Discover USC, the #ViterbiEXPO will be the best way to get a better idea of what the Viterbi School of Engineering has to offer.  We’ll have large presentations about our programs, as well as an open house taking place throughout the day.  Here you can talk to current students, see what types of student organizations are on campus, take a lab tour, learn about innovation, study abroad, and career opportunities, hear from our academic advisers, check out all the cool stuff our design teams are making, check out demos from computer science, and get your picture taken at the photobooth.  This program is open for both first-year applicants and transfer applicants!

This day is jam packed with information and we hope that by the end, you have a comprehensive view of USC and Viterbi, and can decide if this is where you might want to spend the next four years.

Be sure to check out our Viterbi Expo Page to register for this event!

Learn More & Register

Viterbi Admission