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Visit With Viterbi

On-Campus, Near You, or Virtual Ways to Connect

So Many Opportunities to Learn More

Please note there are distinct programs for high school students (First-Year Admission), and Transfer students.  If you are able to visit campus, we would love to see you at one of our Visit Viterbi Experiences.  If not, please sign up for a virtual event or one of our admission receptions across the country available in the fall.

Visit Viterbi Experience

The Premier Campus Visit Program for Prospective Engineers & Computer Scientists

Our on-campus Visit Viterbi Experience sessions are the best way to get to know more about our programs.

This 90-minute session focused on first-year applicants includes an overview of our academic programs and admission process led by a USC Viterbi admission counselor.  Based on availability, each session includes a brief facility or lab tour. Current students are also part of the session to ask questions and learn more about student life (when classes are in session).

Transfer Students are welcome to join our Visit Viterbi Experience!  The discussion regarding admission is geared toward first-year students as transfer admission is often complex, nuanced, and requires its own session.  However, we have found that many transfer students benefit from visiting campus and learning about our academic programs.  If you would like to join us for an in-depth, virtual transfer advisement session, please see availability below.

Note: the calendar allows you to register for just a USC Viterbi Info Session. If you are interested in a campus tour to accompany this program, please refer to the campus tour portal page.

Can’t Make it to Campus?  Join us for a Virtual Session instead!

Virtual Viterbi Experience Sessions

Reserve Your Visit Viterbi Experience

Please select a date below to check availability.


Virtual Info Sessions for First-Year Applicants

Can’t Visit Campus?  Let’s Cover Everything Virtually!

We understand that making it to campus for one of our in-person sessions is not possible for everyone.

On select Saturdays (and a few weekdays here and there), we provide the same information via a personal, interactive Zoom meeting.

Similar to our in-person events, the meeting is led by one of our Viterbi Admission counselors to cover our academic programs, the admission process and more on student life.  When classes are in session, each meeting is accompanied by two of our current students to share their experiences and answer your questions.

This is not your typical webinar – this is our chance to get to know you!

Wanna See More of Campus?

Explore A Virtual Campus Tour

Register for an Upcoming Virtual Info Session Below


Virtual Campus Tour

Get to know the campus from the comfort of your home!

Transfer Student Virtual Advisement & Info

Course Selection, Application Processes, and more!

Navigating the transfer process can be challenging without support.

Our Info Sessions & Advisement virtual webinars are designed to get your questions answered.  What classes should I take to be eligible for admission?  How can I be a competitive transfer applicant?  How do I navigate the articulation agreements?

We do not want you to “just take GE’s” before you transfer.  We want you to be ready for your engineering or computer science curriculum at USC and be making progress toward you USC degree.  Honestly, it’s more straightforward than you think.

PRO TIP: Review the transfer course plans and understand the articulation history with your current college/university before you attend this session.

Register for an Upcoming Transfer Advisement & Info Session Below:
