I hope you had a great Independence Day holiday and are enjoying your summer! If you are a rising senior, set to graduate in 2018 and planning on applying to the USC Viterbi school, today is the first day of interview appointment scheduling.
Admission Interviews are an optional part of the USC Application process. And by optional, I mean truly optional. They are fairly short conversations with us where we can ask you questions to get to know you better. Our notes and evaluation will then be added to your admission file and will be reviewed alongside your formal USC Application for admission. Admission interviews are NOT the best way to better get to know the school or ask a ton of questions – we have a great program for that called Meet USC.
Today we have opened up the August availability for on campus interviews. Jump over to our Admission interview page to learn more about the process (Pro Tip: Read the entire FAQ!), and to schedule an appointment if you are available in August.
Ongoing on-campus appointments for September-November will be available in late August. The complete off-campus schedule and appointments will be available in September.