As virtual instruction continues, unfortunately so does the monotony of your living situation. Taking classes from my room, these four walls became a decent chunk of each day. Don’t get me wrong, being a homebody can be fun sometimes but gradually you start to see your room as a tether that all blends into one color. I decided a change of scenery would be nice, so when I had the opportunity to be hosted by some friends, I packed my bags and got on a flight to Denver, Colorado.
So far, with optimal weather and good company, the trip has been great. A definite highlight for me was the Garden of the Gods Hiking Trail in Colorado Springs (seen below), which features large rocks jutting out of the ground and a gorgeous view of one of Colorado’s highest summits, Pike’s Peak. The mountainous and rocky region was starkly different from what you see in LA, especially from the inside of my room, and thus a welcome change for me.
And one of the best parts about this trip is that it has not hindered my studies in the slightest. I still attend all of my virtual classes and finish my assignments on time, without losing out on hikes or the sight-seeing my friends have planned for me. So the takeaway is this: even as an engineer, your college life does not have to revolve around your school work. While school is a priority, there are still so many opportunities for us as growing adults to try out new hobbies or experience new places, and to use good time-management skills to balance this with classes. So take it from me: enjoy the moments you, have enjoy your life, and enrich it with unforgettable memories!