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When you first get to USC, being surrounded by so many amazing opportunities can be overwhelming. You have the beach 20 minutes away, downtown LA down the street, fun events on campus, and so many excellent organizations to join; it can be challenging to manage your time on top of difficult engineering coursework. That said, I’ve made a list of “hacks” that helped me successfully get through my first year!

Prioritize Your Coursework

Despite every extracurricular activity USC offers, your top priority should be your coursework! You can maximize the rest of your time once you finish your homework, studying, etc.!

The best way to keep track of your assignments is to make a mass list of everything you need to complete for the semester. I utilized Google Sheets during my first semester, but now I’ve moved to Notion because it connects directly to my Google Calendar! Unlike high school, your professors typically provide you with the due dates for every assignment on your first day of class, making this an excellent way to start your semester.

Speaking of Google Calendar, I recommend exporting your class schedule to your calendar and color-coding your different extracurriculars. Google Cal is my bff <3

Get Out of Your Room!

I know your new dorm might be super cute and cozy, but the best thing you can do to be productive is to utilize the vast study spaces USC offers. In another blog post, I discussed some of the best study spots around campus. Here’s a list of my favorites:

  • Annenberg upper levels
  • Leavey Library private study rooms
  • Hoose Library of Philosophy (for the aesthetic)
  • Random empty classrooms
  • Outside in the Village
  • VPD 

I also highly recommend you check out LA’s incredible coffee shops. About Time in K-town is my favorite. Studying with your friends in these spaces is also fun; y’all can motivate each other!

Set Goals this Semester

Big Picture: What does a great semester look like to you? Maybe you want a 3.8 GPA or to join two new clubs- whatever it is, write it down/type it out, and put it somewhere you’ll see every day.

It’s important to have fun and take care of yourself this semester, so make sure your goals are realistic and prioritize your well-being. When setting goals, I always like to include something positive to look at every day:

Small Picture: On a day-to-day basis, setting goals can be super helpful in being productive. When I started at USC, I tended to spread myself pretty thin every time I sat down to study. Making realistic goals for what you want to achieve in a given time frame is essential. Break down your long to-do list into smaller manageable goals in a given day! Make sure to take breaks and shake up your study spot if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed.

At the end of the day, it’s important to take care of yourself and find what works for you. These tips have worked for me, but it took me a year to get to where I am now! Congratulations on your admission to Viterbi- you’ll love it here. 

Hannah Fonseca

I am studying Mechanical Engineering and I'm from Dallas, Texas. I will be graduating with the class of 2027! I have loved my time at Viterbi and am honored to be the Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Senate Chair for VUSA (Viterbi Undergraduate Student Association). I'm also on the Operations Committee for SWE (Society of Women Engineers) and a part of SSO (Student Symphony Orchestra). I love exploring coffee shops around LA and going to as many concerts as possible.