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“I hopped off the plane at LAX
With a dream and my cardigan
Welcome to the land of fame excess (woah)
Am I gonna fit in?”

The song coursed through my veins as I walked out of the LAX terminal for only the second time in my life, preparing to move in. The last line echoed in my head: Am I gonna fit in?

Trojan Family

At first, it felt like my worst fears had come true—that I would never fit in. After all, I was a small-town girl in one of the world’s largest cities. However, it wasn’t the location that made USC feel like home—it was the people. Living in McCarthy Honors College, I found my family among those around me. Through late-night study sessions in the common lounges, I met inspiring people who have since become some of my closest friends. Everyone enjoyed collaborating, whether we were taking karaoke breaks, going on late-night walks to Insomnia Cookies, or having deep conversations while preparing for midterms. I was not only glad to have fit in, but to have found a home. Even now, walking by the McCarthy lounges makes my heart heavy, as they were my first home.

I can’t talk about my Trojan family without mentioning my roommate. She has been my roommate since day one and remains so to this day. She made USC feel like home in ways that words can’t fully describe. Someone I had only spoken with online through a roommate matching service has become someone I now fondly call my sister. My biggest piece of advice is to find your person. Don’t force any relationships, but be open to everything—say yes to plans, and maybe along the way, you’ll find your other half.

Viterbi Family

Coming from a small pond, I found academics to be a challenge in the vast ocean of USC. As a freshman, I often felt overwhelmed, but the mentorship I received through Viterbi was transformative. My Teaching Assistant for BME 101, the introductory course to biomedical engineering, was life-changing. At a time when I was questioning my major, my school, and most of my decisions, meeting with my TA was the best choice I made. From career advice to quiz prep, she was incredible, and she made me feel not only prepared but at home.

My professors during office hours were also incredibly helpful, as were the members of Viterbi-based clubs. Casting a wide net and building a network was essential. The study groups I formed in my introductory and general education classes have become the same people I study with for my 400-level technical courses today. To me, that truly demonstrates the strength and value of the Viterbi community.

Ishaani Pradeep

Hi! I am studying Biomedical Engineering (Molecular/Cellular) and I am from New Milford, CT. I will be graduating will the Class of 2026. On campus, I am involved in EWB, USC Helenes, Southern California Healthcare Outreach, and Beta Rho Chi. I work as an Undergraduate Researcher in the Gracey Lab as a CURVE and Provost Fellow and as a Medical Teaching Assistant with the Joint Education Project. I am currently completing a Research Internship at the Yale School of Medicine, in the Surgical Oncology Department.