Professional development is an important aspect of success for many engineering students. Summer internships and co-ops are great for building a solid foundation for one’s career and gaining industry experience beyond the classroom. At Viterbi, students are provided with many tools to aid in professional development, refine their skills, and seize any career opportunities they desire. Here are a few tips on professional development that I have learned throughout my time in Viterbi:
Have more than one resume!
Many students make the mistake of creating one resume and submitting the same resume to companies when applying for a position. In order to truly present yourself as the best candidate for the job, you will need to edit your resume to highlight the skills and attributes that the hiring manager is looking for. For instance, when I applied for my Quality Engineering position at Collins Aerospace, I highlighted my research experience with composites since the site I would be working at manufactured composite aerostructures. By altering your resume for each position you apply for, you can increase your chances of being selected for an interview. Especially since many companies use software to filter through applications, including the right keywords in your resume can make you stand above the rest.
Attend Networking Events
I cannot overstate how helpful it is to attend networking events. Viterbi hosts a variety of career fairs, mock interviews, and networking events with recruiters and other industry professionals. Furthermore, the USC Career Center hosts Trojan Talks where students can have the opportunity to network with specific companies in an intimate setting. Typically, it is harder to make an impression on recruiters at large info sessions with 45+ attendees, but Trojan Talks are great because there are generally 7-10 attendees, giving you a better opportunity to have a conversation with the recruiters.
Also, networking events don’t have to be stressful. Last year, I attended the Industry Talk Dinner hosted by the Society of Women in Engineering (SWE) where students were seated at a table with 1-2 industry professionals from companies such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Beyond Limits. It was great to learn more about these companies through the industry professionals and enjoy a free dinner!
Join a Pre-Professional Society
Finally, I would say that one of the best ways to get career exposure is through a pre-professional society. Viterbi has a wide variety of pre-professional organizations, such as the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), MEDesign, Theta Tau Professional Engineering Society, and many others that provide opportunites for their members to meet with industry professionals. Some of these organizations are even able to send their members national conferences. This past spring, I attended the 50th Annual National Conference for the National Society of Black Engineers in Atlanta, Georgia. It was truly an experience that I will never forget and I gained invaluable insight by talking to over 20 companies such as Apple, SpaceX, and Exxon Mobil.
Overall, progressing in your professional career while balancing your responsibilities as a student can be a bit of a struggle however, taking steps to put yourself out there and become comfortable with talking to recruiters can be extremely beneficial in the long run.