Choosing the right university is critical in any continuing student’s career. I decided to attend USC and its Viterbi School of Engineering because of its deep alignment with my personal and academic goals.
Initially, I learned about USC through a flyer in the mail. At first, I didn’t think anything of it until a few months later when the flyer ended up on my desk after cleaning my room. I had been researching out-of-state schools to find the perfect fit. My criteria included: the school had to have an ROTC program due to my scholarship, a balanced academic and social life, great rankings/reviews, and an excellent alum system.
After seeing the information on the flyer, I began to learn more about USC and the culture at this school. I learned about its competitive acceptance rate, impressive school rankings, vibrant culture, and historical sports. USC’s reputation for being a school heavily focused on academics, but understanding that students had a life outside of academia was significant. In high school, I was so focused on graduating with my IB Diploma that I rarely went to community events or anything other than the events for clubs I was a part of. I knew that I wanted a balanced lifestyle for college, so I found interest in USC’s “Work Hard, Play Hard” aspect, as told by students on campus.
An aspect of college that I was most worried about in terms of social life was being a minority. I had always been a minority, but going to a new school across the country from my hometown in Florida was a big step that I was nervous about taking. However, these worries ceased after I visited campus and met some fantastic students I call friends today. Members of Viterbi Student Ambassadors (VSA) taught me about USC’s diversity and the quality of support systems for minority groups like me. We also learned about the Center for Black Cultural and Student Affairs(CBCSA), a center dedicated to people of color as a place to study, work, or simply hang out.
The people of USC and the vibes I received after visiting left a lasting impression on me, which dictated why I chose to attend this school. Not only did the overall student life pique my interest, but USC Viterbi’s mission was touted through multiple forums and through many people I contacted. While I had acceptances to other great schools, those did not appeal to me the way Viterbi did. This excited me that Viterbi would be the school where I could gain valuable knowledge and viable connections.