Viterbi Student Ambassadors

Viterbi Student Ambassadors (VSAs) primary role is to speak to prospective students and their families at official admission events (virtual information sessions, live chats, and, in the past, Discover USC and Explore) and generally act as a resource for any questions that prospective students may have about the student experience at Viterbi.


We also post to several social media and outreach platforms, including Instagram and YouTube, and put out our weekly podcast, Viterbi Voices!

Meet the VSA's

Our team is a group of close-knit, hardworking individuals with a range of majors, interests, and campus involvements. To learn more about our experiences and check out our blogs, click the profiles below!

Mechanical Engineering

Karissa Ginoza

Class of 2027
Wailuku, Hawaii

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Wailuku, Maui

I am studying Mechanical Engineering with a Pre-Professional Emphasis in Medicine and I am from Wailuku, Maui. Aside from being a Viterbi. I am actively involved in USC Science Outreach, the Society of Women Engineers, and am eager to participate in research this upcoming school year. To keep in touch with people from home, I am also a member of Hawaii Club!

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Industrial and Systems Engineering

Ayomide Ajayi

Class of 2026
Chicago, Illinois

YEAR: Class of 2026
HOMETOWN: Chicago, Illinois
PRONOUNS: he/him/his

Growing up in the best city of the world, with the best food I have grown into a food enthusiast, I love cooking and trying new foods. On campus I continue to foster community through my involvement in National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and Black Student Assembly (BSA). I am most passionate about building connections with people, discussing aspirations and life long goals.

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Mechanical Engineering

Naya Williams

Class of 2026
Yorba Linda, California

YEAR: Class of 2026
HOMETOWN: Yorba Linda, California

I am currently involved in USC Racing which is a student-led team within Viterbi that designs and manufactures a Formula 1 style race car. Each year, our team competes against other universities in an international competition. I am also in a composite research lab and a member of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) which promotes academic and professional excellence amongst black engineering students.

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Computer Science

Saafiyah Patel

Class of 2025
Fullerton, CA

YEAR: Class of 2025
HOMETOWN: Fullerton, CA
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers

On campus, I am involved with Makers, where I am currently working on a virtual reality version of Subway Surfers. I am also a part of Theta Tau, a professional engineering society, and Muslim Student Union. Outside of school, I love thrifting, exploring LA, and going to concerts.

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Electrical & Computer Engineering

Victoria Aguirre

Class of 2026
Irvine, California

YEAR: Class of 2026
HOMETOWN: Irvine, California
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers

I am currently involved in research on campus through the WiDeS Group where I focus on configuring and analyzing ray tracer modeling for wireless communications so that we can continue to improve our communication systems everywhere! Outside of engineering, I am also involved in USC's Trojan Club Tennis Team where I get to travel nationally with my team to compete against other collegiate teams.

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Computer Engineering and Computer Science

Alexander Forgosh

Class of 2026
Orefield, Pennsylvania

YEAR: Class of 2026
HOMETOWN: Orefield, Pennsylvania

I spend most of my time leading a team of USC alumni that builds tracking technology to help rescue trapped firefighters - check out! I love all things Nuclear Energy, and currently work for Westinghouse Nuclear. On campus I serve as the Director of Product Management for USC's startup incubator - LavaLab, race for USC's ski team, and quest for the best affordable restaurants in LA!

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Industrial and Systems Engineering

Alexa Garcia

Class of 2026
Covina, California

YEAR: Class of 2026
HOMETOWN: Covina, California

I’m involved with the Trojan Marching Band where I play alto saxophone. We play at all of the USC football games, spirit events, and more! I’m also a member of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) where I serve as the Director of Information Systems.

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Astronautical Engineering

Kaleigh Ray

Class of 2025
Bakersfield, California

YEAR: Class of 2025
HOMETOWN: Bakersfield, California
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers

I have been involved in research at the Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) as well as a member of USC’s Rocket Propulsion Lab. At SERC, I worked on developing a docking system for cubesats with project CLING and am currently work on project STARFISH. In RPL, I am on the composites team and design team. Outside of Viterbi, I have interned at Astrolab where I was a Structures and Mechanisms Engineering intern and helped with lunar mission development and payload prototyping. I also like doing inter murals and photography on my free time!

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Electrical and Computer Engineering

Cecilia Betancourt

Class of 2027
Atlanta, Georgia

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Atlanta, Georgia

Outside of VSA, I often find myself in the lab for RPL as an Avionics team member or in my room streaming videogames to Twitch!

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Mechanical Engineering

Hannah Fonseca

Class of 2027
Dallas, Texas

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Dallas, Texas

I have loved my time at Viterbi and am honored to be the Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Senate Chair for VUSA (Viterbi Undergraduate Student Association). I'm also on the Operations Committee for SWE (Society of Women Engineers) and a part of SSO (Student Symphony Orchestra). I love exploring coffee shops around LA and going to as many concerts as possible.

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Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ashly Lam

Class of 2026
La Canada, California

YEAR: Class of 2026
HOMETOWN: La Canada, California
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers

On campus, I am involved with Women in Computing and Illumin Magazine. I also conduct research in the Laboratory for Design of Medical and Analytical Devices. Outside of Viterbi, I am a member of the Society of Women Engineers' WE Local Advisory Board.

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Civil Engineering (Building Science)

Salma Mohamed

Class of 2025

YEAR: Class of 2025
HOMETOWN: Austin,Texas

I am currently involved in the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) as a Student Transfer Representative. SHPE is an organization that empowers engineering students that identify as Hispanic to develop networking skills and leadership. Outside of SHPE, I am a part time intern for SoCal Gas in the Pipeline Engineering Design team.

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Industrial & Systems Engineering

Riley Ashford

Class of 2027
Birmingham, Alabama

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Birmingham, Alabama

I am currently involved in USC's chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), which works "to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community." I've also conducted research at the GLAMOR lab during my freshman year. Aside from engineering, I am also involved in Troy Camp, which is a student-run philanthropy that provides long-term mentorship for kids throughout South Los Angeles.

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Computer Science

Jake Grigorian

Class of 2027
Glendale, California

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Glendale, California

I'm really enjoying all aspects of my engineering education, from the classes to the amazing clubs I've joined like LavaLab, QuantSC, and more. I've cofounded and am currently working on a booming social media management startup, Fleet, with a fellow Trojan, and it's truly been an amazing experience as both a software engineer and cofounder. Outside of CS, I'm on the USC Lacrosse team as a faceoff specialist, I'm an avid wrestler, and I love dogs.

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Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hansini Ramachandran

Class of 2027
Fremont, California

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Fremont, California

I am actively involved in research through CURVE and with IEEE, an organization dedicated to providing academic, professional, and social resources for electrical engineers. Outside of engineering, I am also a part of USC Asli Baat.

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Computer Engineering and Computer Science

Anna Hsu

Class of 2026
Vienna, Virginia

YEAR: Class of 2026
HOMETOWN: Vienna, Virginia
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers

At USC, I'm a part of HackSC, the flagship hackathon on campus, and I write stories about research, accomplishments, and events occurring in the Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science. I also lead copy editing efforts for College Brief, a nonprofit dedicated to instilling greater news engagement in college-aged audiences. In my spare time, you can find me listening to Mandopop, eating good food in LA + beyond, and going on runs!

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Civil Engineering

Kevin Kumar

Class of 2026
Van Nuys, California

YEAR: Class of 2026
HOMETOWN: Van Nuys, California
PRONOUNS: he/him/his

I am currently involved in the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) as a builder and designer for Concrete Canoe, Steel Bridge, and Timber Strong, all of which are design teams where I collaborate with my peers to construct projects. Additionally, I am part of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI-SEAOSC), another design team where we construct a building out of balsa wood. Another involvement of mine is the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) where I connect with Hispanic engineers through social events and learn about professionalism in the engineering industry. Finally, I have participated in research through the Center for Undergraduate Research in Viterbi Engineering (CURVE) studying wastewater treatment and am currently conducting research in the Petersen Lab focused on computer-modeling clay and geomaterial aggregation at macroscopic levels.

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Biomedical Engineering

Ava Basile

Class of 2025
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

YEAR: Class of 2025
HOMETOWN: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers

I am currently involved in RoboPals which is a student run organization that teaches engineering workshops to local elementary school students and I am also a member of Associated Students of Biomedical Engineering (ASBME). Outside of Viterbi, I am a part of Break Through Hip Hop which is a student choreographed team that does guest performance throughout the semester and hosts a showcase every semester, and I'm also a co-director of Trojan Tap Troupe which is a team for intermediate/advanced tap dancers.

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Biomedical Engineering

Ishaani Pradeep

Class of 2026
New Milford, Connecticut

YEAR: Class of 2026
HOMETOWN: New Milford, Connecticut

On campus, I am involved in EWB, USC Helenes, Southern California Healthcare Outreach, and Beta Rho Chi. I work as an Undergraduate Researcher in the Gracey Lab as a CURVE and Provost Fellow and as a Medical Teaching Assistant with the Joint Education Project. I am currently completing a Research Internship at the Yale School of Medicine, in the Surgical Oncology Department.

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Biomedical Engineering

Gerson Estrada

Class of 2026
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

YEAR: Class of 2026
HOMETOWN: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

I am currently involved as a director in the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) where I engage our hispanic engineering students through social and professional events. Furthermore, I am also invested as a CURVE research fellow in the Biomedical Microsystems Laboratory where I investigate microneedle-based sensing technology. Outside of engineering, I also enjoy playing violin in the Student Symphony Orchestra at USC.

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Computer Science Games

Riya Shenoy

Class of 2026
Highland, New York

YEAR: Class of 2026
HOMETOWN: Highland, New York

On campus, I'm involved in LavaLab, a startup incubator club, and Innovative Design, a student-run design agency. Outside of school, I'm interning for a data analysis music startup here in LA.

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Civil Engineering

Mitchell Kirby

Class of 2026
Scranton, Pennsylvania

YEAR: Class of 2026
HOMETOWN: Scranton, Pennsylvania
PRONOUNS: he/him/his

I am currently involved in Viterbi Makers as a Project Manager where I create a project idea for my team and I to assemble and build throughout the year for our project showcase to our sponsors in the spring to promote innovation in electronics.

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Aerospace Engineering

Dheer Divecha

Class of 2027
Aliso Viejo, California

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Aliso Viejo, California

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Environmental Engineering

Sejal Sharma

Class of 2026
Manassas, Virginia

YEAR: Class of 2026
HOMETOWN: Manassas, Virginia
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers

I am currently involved in the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), which focuses on female empowerment and leadership/learning opportunities for women in STEM. Additionally, I am on the Composites sub-team for USC's FSAE racing team.

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Computer Engineering and Computer Science

Silas John

Class of 2025
Carson, California

YEAR: Class of 2025
HOMETOWN: Carson, California
PRONOUNS: he/him/his

In Viterbi, I focus my attention on computer science research regarding the optimization of multi-robot collision avoidance in an unmapped 3D environment and enjoy teaching younger students computer science and robotics through CS@SC. I enthusiastically pursue music outside of Viterbi as a part of the Songwriter's Forum and as an instrumentalist for local bands in Southern California. At any given moment, find me producing music at my church, testing out a new card trick, or writing arbitrary computer programs to just make life easier!

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Civil Engineering

Xavier Ladik

Class of 2027
Moorestown, New Jersey

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Moorestown, New Jersey

Of the various clubs I've joined, my Viterbi involvements are the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). Both organizations have give me opportunities to build professional connections and visit professionals working in the field on sites throughout LA.

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Welcome New VSA's

Chemical Engineering

Michaela Dowd

Class of 2027
Exeter, New Hampshire

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Exeter, New Hampshire
Computer Science in Business Admin

Keilani Kozen

Class of 2027
Moorestown, New Jersey

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Moorestown, New Jersey
Aerospace Engineering

Jessica Batrice

Class of 2028
Arlington, Texas

YEAR: Class of 2028
HOMETOWN: Arlington, Texas
Aerospace Engineering

Antonio McVay

Class of 2027
Lake Mary, Florida

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Lake Mary, Florida
Civil Engineering - Structural

Alexandria Geschwill

Class of 2027
Woodburn, Oregon

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Woodburn, Oregon
Chemical Engineering

Sophie Gettelman

Class of 2028
Chicago, Illinois

YEAR: Class of 202
HOMETOWN: Chicago, Illinois
Computer Engineering and Computer Science

Satwika Vemuri Naga Kaivalya

Class of 2027
Rutherford, New Jersey

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Rutherford, New Jersey

Rutherford, New Jersey

Astronautical Engineering

Sandra Al Hames

Class of 2027
Los Angeles, CA

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Los Angeles, CA
Biomedical Engineering

Sarah Rundquist

Class of 2028
Woodbury, Minnesota

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Woodbury, Minnesota
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Talise Baker-Matsuoka

Class of 2027
Palo Alto, California

YEAR: Class of 2027
HOMETOWN: Palo Alto, California
Astronautical Engineering

Zoe Zlatic

Class of 2028
St. Louis, MO

YEAR: Class of 2028