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ViterbiEXPO logoThe Viterbi Expo is less than two weeks away, and we have a lot of exciting things planned for the day!

ViterbiEXPO is a part of Discover USC, a full day event to get to know USC better! Check in begins at VKC at 9am, and the ViterbiEXPO begins at 10:00 with a presentation about the Viterbi School!

At 11:30, we will open up all of the events at the expo, and we have a lot planned.  Be sure to check out the student organization fair, which includes over 40 of our Viterbi related orgs.  We’ll have our design teams including concrete canoe and USC Solar Car team, diversity organizations like SWE, SHPE, NSBE, and QuEST, professional orgs from every major, and more! We’ll also have our innovation launchpad where you can meet tons of students involved in innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities, as well as participate in 1000 pitches, a competition held at USC to encourage students to come up with new ideas! We’ll also have lab tours running every 30 minutes, and microseminars on internships and careers, grad school, and engineering plus! On top of that, we will have a Hackers Playground, which will showcase student projects in computer science and a variety of programming organizations!

It’s going to be a a busy day! Check out more about ViterbiEXPO on the webpage, and we look forward to seeing you there!

ViterbiEXPO Page


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