I hope everyone is enjoying their winter break and finalizing those USC Applications because there is still time to apply!
The final deadline to apply for admission as a first-year applicant for Fall 2013 (AKA Students who have not yet graduated high school) is January 10, 2013.
In order to apply, you must complete the Common Application and the USC Supplement at http://commonapp.org. More details regarding the USC Application can be found here: http://www.usc.edu/admission/undergraduate/apply/freshmen.html.
All students interested in studying engineering or computer science must list an Engineering or Computer Science major as their first choice major on the USC Supplement and complete the two short answer questions for Viterbi School applicants.
While we have already started reading, this will take us a good amount of time to go through what is already looking to be a record number of applications. So, please be patient. 🙂 You can expect to hear from USC with an admission decision no later than April 1, 2013.
Good luck, and please let us know if you have any questions!