Over the last couple of weeks our office has received a lot of calls and emails asking some similar questions.
“How can I visit campus and meet with the Engineering Department?”
“I would like to visit – can make an appointment with you (as in the Engineering Department).”
“How can I meet with engineering students, faculty and staff?”
We love that you all want to learn more about engineering at USC, and we want to help you get the most information you possibly can. This is why we have spent a lot of time and resources planning and putting together our Campus Visit Programs for Admitted Students. While these programs are coordinated by the university, we (the Viterbi School) spend the majority of the visit with you. You will see Viterbi, meet with us, and see the school as part of every one of the USC admitted student events.
Each one of our visit programs is designed to answer all of your questions – really! Every family or student that wanted a “one-on-one” with us in the past, said they got everything they needed by attending one of our programs – and more! You will get all your questions answered, and you will get the personal attention you deserve.
In addition, at each one of our programs, we will have current students present to answer your questions and add student perspective. In addition you will get personal tours of facilities and areas in the Viterbi School.
Honestly – scheduling an appointment outside of our scheduled events cannot compare with attending a Explore USC, Preview USC, or our large Open House at the end of April. You will get so much more from attending one of these events!
We have made sure that almost every day in April is covered with either an event on campus, or an event near you. That said, I realize that circumstances may prevent you from visiting during our programs. If you cannot visit during one of the days we have already scheduled in April – give us a call!
Schedule your visit to campus soon as sessions may close due to capacity!