“One of the reasons I was so attracted to USC during the college admissions process was Dean Yortsos’ concept of Engineering Plus. This concept aims to show that Viterbi engineers are not just engineers… we have so much more to offer in other talents like art, design, theater, and writing.”
-Natalie Monger, Class of 2020
You’re probably already pretty interested in math and science. But if you have other talents and interests that have nothing to do with engineering, you’re not alone! USC Viterbi engineering students are a diverse bunch with dynamic interests. Don’t believe us? Tune into our live chat to see for yourself!
Do More Than Just Engineering
September 27th, 2020
During this hour-long event, we will be answering your questions about Engineering+ at USC Viterbi. These engineering students use their classes, extracurriculars, and free time to do more than just engineering.
Interested in Seeing our Other Live Chat Events?
This event is part of an ongoing series of student-led live chats for 2021 applicants. Every other Sunday our students get a new group of student panelists at 7:00PM (PT) to discuss a variety of topics. Topics range from cultural identity to research to social life. Check out the complete schedule below to register for your favorite topics and catch up on recordings of past events.