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When most people hear engineering, one of the last things that comes to mind is communications. Usually, it’s all about math, science, coding (for us CS kids), and really anything else that involves the stereotypical STEM fields. However, having a minor in the business school or being a CSBA major brings along a whole host of business electives that typically aren’t associated with a normal engineering education that can be super useful.

I’d like to think of myself as someone who could give a rousing speech if needed but the truth is I’ve never taken a formal class/seminar about the topic at all. Just like STEM subjects, communication is a skill that needs to be strengthened and developed to have practical applications. From interviews and projects to trying to tell your teammates what exactly you’re thinking of, I see being an effective communicator as a good way to become better at CS in general. Even Einstien said something along the lines of if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t know it well enough (please don’t quote me!)

This semester by taking BUAD 302 (aka communications for business students), I’m hoping it’ll give me a break from the hardcore math and coding classes and be beneficial for my other classes and upcoming internship.

Timothy Harrington