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One of the most memorable parts of our application is the quick responses on the Common App. I decided to take a look back at mine and see what would be different if I was applying today.







Describe yourself in three words.

Protean, resilient, unflappable

Persistent, hungry, observant

The original are still true, but I figure I could be a little more honest and a bit less academic.


What is your favorite snack?*

Mott’s Unsweetened Granny Smith Applesauce

Mott’s Unsweetened Granny Smith Applesauce

I don’t think this will change for a while, even though I can’t seem to find it anywhere in LA!


Best movie of all time:*

Get Out

Get Out

Also don’t see this one changing for a while, but La La Land and Focus have come close.


Dream job:* 

Chief Technology Officer of the United States

Visual Effects Supervisor

I’m too indecisive to have a true dream job, but I think it would be a perfect blend of my hobbies, interests and engineering skills to work on digitally enhancing movies.


If your life had a theme song, what would it be?*


Too Fast by Sonder

Same theme as the original song, one of the standouts from Hamilton, whereas I can’t seem to sit still. I could absolutely jam to both of these though.


Dream trip:*

Cape Town, South Africa

Costa Rica

I think I read somewhere that the people in Costa Rica are some of the happiest on Earth, so I am very interested in doing whatever they are doing down there. 


What TV show will you binge watch next? *

Rhythm and Flow

True Story

I say this having just finished binging True Story today, but I’m going to still count it. I wasn’t sure how Kevin Hart would do in a role that wasn’t straight comedy, and he killed it. Might have to watch it again, so this answer is valid.


Which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate?*


Miles Morales

Miles is about my age and we have very similar backgrounds and personalities, so I think we would get along well. Plus who wouldn’t want to live with a superhero.


Favorite book:*

Ghost in the Wires

To Kill A Mockingbird

I do really love my original answer, but part of this was trying to kiss up to my admissions officer and flex my interest in my application major of Computer Science. Honesty is key.


If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be?* 

Dapper Dressing for the Nonchalant Scholar

The Science and Psychology of Poker

I am not the greatest of poker players in practice, but in theory I should be pretty good. I know tons about the game, it just doesn’t translate to the table. So maybe I could learn a little bit myself through the course and help students walk away with a profit.


I ended up naturally spending a decent amount of time on these, stressing over my answers, when in reality the questions are nothing to tear yourself apart over. The person reading your application just wants to get to know you better, and what better way to do so than figuring out what your favorite snack is.

Timothy Harrington