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It’s hard to imagine that after over a year of entirely virtual classes, I’m finally getting to take my classes in person. While Zoom classes have their perks (mainly being able to wake up for class 5 minutes before it starts and staying in my pajamas), I am so thrilled to finally be walking around campus for my classes. I never would have thought I would be super excited to be sitting in a three and a half hour lecture on a Wednesday night, but stranger things have happened over the past year and a half.

I’ve also been feeling super nostalgic about the fact that this is my last year as an undergraduate at USC. After finally seeing so many people that I have not seen since March of 2020, I can’t even begin to process the fact that I only have a year left with all of these people. This has given me this overwhelming feeling that I’m going to need to do literally everything; go to every football game, see everyone that I wasn’t able to see over the past year and a half, go to any and every event on campus. The list is endless, and is a little overwhelming, but also exciting!

The start of this year has been so much fun so far. I moved into a house near campus with some of my best friends, and it’s been so great to be able to hang out with my friends safely for the first time in so long. It’s also been nice just to walk around campus and actually see people out and about going to the classes. Even just having short conversations with random friends between classes has been so nice. I took all these little things for granted before, and I’m appreciating them so much more now.

Our first football game last Saturday really gave me that “we’re back” feeling. Football games are always such a fun reminder about the Trojan Spirit! We have another tomorrow, and I cannot wait! I’m very excited to see what the rest of senior year will bring me.`

Timothy Harrington