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I am currently basking in one of the most blissful parts of the fall semester: fall break. This four-day holiday (Thursday – Sunday) provides much-needed time for everyone to recharge from midterms, catch up on work (🤢), and if life is absolutely cruel, study for midterms happening immediately after fall break. Like many people, I’ve had fall breaks in the past where I’ve spent my time preparing for midterms happening in the following week. Luckily (or unluckily, depending on how you look at it), all of my midterms were crammed into this past week, so I’m now able to take fall break to relax with my family!

I finished classes late Wednesday afternoon so I was able to fly home on Wednesday evening. I tried out the pilot program of a free shuttle that goes from USC campus directly to LAX (organized by Scüp), which was honestly amazing—I got to the airport in under 30 minutes!!! (For reference, taking a Lyft to the airport is so expensive that I typically take a shuttle to Union Station and THEN a bus to LAX, which takes about an hour and a half). Here’s hoping Scüp’s shuttle becomes a regular thing.

At the airport, I had to grind out a massive assignment due at midnight that I had neglected due to my midterms. I worked on it throughout my flight and on the drive back home, and ended up submitting it AT 11:59 PM (such is the life of an engineer).

With that done, I was free to spend some much-needed time with my family, who I hadn’t seen in a month. Last night, we went to see Ponniyin Selvan, a Tamil movie we’d been eagerly awaiting since we found out about it (my family waited until I came home so we could watch it together 🥰). Verdict: 11/10 it was SUCH a good movie.

Other than that, it’s just been nice to relax, hang out with my parents, sister, and grandma, and eat real food (my cooking sucks so devouring my parents’ food has been wonderful). It’s understated how much fall break can help you reset, whether it’s by doing nothing, spending time with the people you love, traveling, or catching up on work. It basically gives you time to do what you need to do at a point in the semester where things are at their busiest and time is limited. I’m going to leave for LA on Sunday and, thanks to this precious time I got to spend at home, I’ll be ready to #fighton once more.

Neha Yadav