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I remember my college decision like it was yesterday, and compared to the other VSAs, it pretty much was yesterday. 


I was a senior in high school in 2020. I had applied to a ton of schools, and I heard back from all of them after the pandemic hit. It was an overwhelming decision — there were so many different factors, and I’m sure I would have loved a number of different schools. 


However, USC was my clear favorite for so many reasons. Here is my answer for why I chose USC: 


  • Engineering+

Viterbi is an engineering school like no other. I knew I wanted to study engineering, but I also wanted more than “just” engineering. Viterbi emphasizes engineering and how we can become better engineers through our interests outside of engineering. That resonated with me. No other university I had heard of had a similar program to the same extent as Viterbi. 


  • The People

It’s cheesy, but the people I spoke with and met at Explore USC helped me make my decision. Everyone was fascinating — talking about their cool classes, hobbies, and involvements. They were also sociable, outgoing, and kind. I instantly felt at home. My advice to you would be to find a college full of people you want to be like and go there. Community creates a person!


  • The Location

If you read any of my previous blogs, I’m sure you know how I feel about SoCal. Coming from the midwest, I was ready for a change in weather and pace. I wanted to experience a new place for college, and Los Angeles certainly was that. The sunshine has done wonders for my mood, and I’ve loved meeting all sorts of different people that I likely wouldn’t have at a smaller state school. 


There are so many more reasons why I chose USC, but I hope these three salient points help you understand my thought process. Lucky for me, I couldn’t have chosen a better university. 

Timothy Harrington