As our #ViterbiAdmit students are grappling with their final days of the decision process, we are hearing very similar questions:
USC vs. UC Berkeley? USC vs. UIUC? USC vs. Stanford? USC vs. UCLA? USC vs. MIT? USC vs. Cornell? USC vs. CarnegieMellon? USC vs. CalTech?
The list of schools you all have been admitted to is, quite literally a who’s-who of top engineering programs. The simple fact of the matter is that you can’t make a wrong choice. These are all great schools…. great engineering programs…. great possibilities for success!
In order to help give you more information to chew on – we asked our faculty the same question: Why USC Viterbi? They all had attended these institutions, yet still chose to work, conduct research and teach at USC. Why?
Join Dean Yannis Yortsos and a few of our faculty as they explain why USC Viterbi was the place they wanted to spend their time:
Of course – this is in addition to learning why some of our alumni chose USC, and of course, why our current students chose USC.
As you work through your final decision, realize that we are here to help. If you have any further questions, or need additional information, please feel free to contact us. Also, you have ONE MORE CHANCE to visit campus and learn directly about our programs. This Saturday is our LAST CAMPUS VISIT PROGRAM for admitted students. We will all be there along with faculty, current students, and alumni….. come on by!