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Last week was the week we had all been waiting for: Thanksgiving Break! The countdown (for me) began on Halloween and for the next three weeks I was excitedly planning what I would do when I got home. But I didn’t just celebrate Thanksgiving at home.

The day before I left, I attended the Associated Students of Biomedical Engineering (ASBME) Thanksgiving Dinner, put on in collaboration with AIChE (the American Institute of Chemical Engineers?). As part of ASBME E-Board, I helped set up the event, hanging up cute Thanksgiving decorations with A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving playing in the background. Afterwards, all of the attendees wrote down what they were grateful for and hung them up on the chalkboard of the classroom we hosted the event in. It was overall such a cute bonding experience and it was nice to meet the people from AiChE! Not to mention, the vegetarian food (jackfruit tacos) and multitude of desserts at the dinner were absolutely delicious!

The next morning, I left for my hometown in the North Bay Area, excited to see my family. We spent the whole week together, going hiking a couple times (and randomly seeing a bunch of goats) and, most importantly, going to Costco, which was what I had been waiting for the most.

After a chill couple of days, we went crazy on Thanksgiving, cooking an excessive amount of food for four people (as we do every year). I was still eating our mashed potatoes, butternut squash and green bean casseroles the night before I left to go back to USC (not complaining though—leftovers are the best part).

I’m back in LA now, finishing up the last week of school—there’s only one more day of classes, which I find absolutely insane. Although I already miss my family, there are only two weeks before I go home once more! All that remains between me and winter break now are finals. . .

Timothy Harrington