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Being an engineer is hard. Some days solely consist of sitting in a library and studying…but not every day has to be like that.

I love mornings. So if I can get up early –– say by 7:00am –– that’s a win on all counts. That means I need to be in bed by 11:00pm, or else I’ll be very … very … irritable the following day. At least once a week, though, this is a possibility.

Look at the sky! Mornings are so peaceful at serene at USC. A few students are up, heading to thee gym or working at the tables in the village. A few stores are opening. And the weather has this crisp chill to it. A new day with new opportunities.

On mornings like this, I love to go on runs around campus. Fun fact: a loop around the perimeter of campus is EXACTLY 2 miles. It makes the length of my runs less daunting to track in terms of loops rather than miles.

After my run, I’ll make myself a yummy meal in my kitchen (yay to sophomore housing). Between then and my first class, I’ll (try to) get some work done. These peaceful moments in the morning really set my days up to be enjoyable and under my control. This is a really, really nice feeling as I navigate school, recruitment, and balancing everything with my social life.

After my back-to-back classes, I’m ravenous. And one of my favorite ways to socialize with friends is by cooking together! Since this is my perfect day, miraculously all of my friends are free –– which means lots of yummy food to share.

Then I’ll finish up my work, hang out in one of my friends’ apartments, maybe go on an evening walk around campus, and take a HOT shower before going to bed at 11:00 … so I can do it all again!

Kory Arfania