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USC Viterbi School of Engineering faculty offer potential solutions to fire seasons. Read their ideas on how to make a more resilient city.

“So the question becomes: how do we build a power system that minimizes fire risk while maximizing carbon free energy generation that slows the threat of climate change?” – Kelly Sanders, Dr. Teh Fu Yen Early Career Chair and Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Lisa Rosas

Lisa was born and raised in Southern California. Although she lived her entire life in some of the best weather, Lisa decided for a change of scenery for college and pursued her undergraduate degree at the University of Dubuque in Iowa. While there, she was a two-sport athlete. After experiencing beyond-freezing temperatures, she returned home with inspiration to work in higher education. She is currently pursuing a Master of Education degree with USC Rossier. In her free time you’ll find her snowboarding, playing soccer, or reading.